Do you have a group who wants to learn more about prayer? Schedule a mini prayer retreat! Let me introduce your small group fellowship to biblical meditation. Experience the blessing of a Moderator led prayer session!
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in prayer?
The Holy Spirit is a creative force and 3rd person of the Trinity . He is called out in the 2nd verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:2. As He did in the beginning, he hovers over and creates. He hovers over the chaotic waters of our hearts to still, calm, and cleanse its contents. He is a gift that indwells believers, communicates what the Father says, and testifies of Jesus (John 14:17, John 14:26, John 16:13, John 15:26). We are not to harden our hearts against what He says and in so doing, grieve Him (Hebrews 3:7-15, Ephesians 4:30). Your small group will more fully understand and embrace the work of the Holy Spirit after experiencing biblical meditation!
Help me sit quietly in His Presence.
In our culture and in these times, we are conditioned to process simultaneous thoughts more than ever. Multiple tasks run through our heads. Our "attention spans" are shrinking. Our brains are being trained to "scan". We jump all over printed text reading on the go and via technology platforms. We perform "check-ins" interrupting steady, focused thought, going to multiple places for messages (multiple email accounts, cell phone, multiple social platforms). This is affecting your ability to sit quietly with God. Your group will benefit from a moderator led meditation. The session invites them to sit quietly (but actively) with God. They will learn some skills to practice for a spiritual discipline to form in their personal prayer closets.
How do I hear from God?
Jesus said that his sheep will hear his voice and follow Him (John 10:27). Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit as an advocate, one who stands beside and is on our side through our acceptance of Christ (John 14:16). Whatever He says NEVER contradicts the Word of God. The Moderator can bring a printed resource card to give to each one in your small group with a wide range of ways God speaks, all supported with scriptural references. A time for questions is made available at the end to give people time to express themselves and ask questions.
One example... a believer recently said for the first time that she has often wanted to ask for prayer but didn't know what to do and would shut down her inner urge. This may seem silly; but it is not, and shows the internal battle happening. Through the question time at the end of the meditation, her fears were brought out and she was comforted. She is now open to ask for prayer. Multiply her by thousands or more who talk themselves out of asking for prayer! She represents many in the Body of Christ!
I have a hard time knowing what to say and how to linger in prayer.
The Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, when we don't know what to pray, Romans 8:26-27. The meditations contain specific exercises that will help your group talk to God. Proclaiming scripture promises, repeating scripture during prayer, private confession of weaknesses, asking the Holy Spirit to pray, visualizing pictures painted in scripture, entering the scripture context, singing, waiting on God's responses, etc are all forms of exercise your group will experience. These exercises will help them know what to say and how to talk to God from the heart. They will be relieved and refreshed of God's tender mercies and loving kindness and be encouraged to boldly approach Him, Hebrews 4:14-16.