Week before last I recounted some of my less than happy choices (i.e. bad behaviors and choices) to a group of little girls. Did it in a way that was age appropriate of course for the purpose of teaching them about the new beginning God offers to all. I told them that Jesus told people they had to be born a 2nd time in order to get to Heaven. We read John 3:1-8 and I asked them to consider how it was possible to be born a 2nd time? They reasoned they they could not enter their mommy's tummy again. They were quite puzzled, some giving expressions and reactions that were priceless.
To make the point of the need to be born a 2nd time and have a new start, I shared that from an early age I remember acting in ways that were not good. I recalled how I manipulated my dad with my emotions to get what I wanted, how I cheated on a 3rd grade test and got away with it, and how self-absorbed I was in high school. They heard how I was not thinking about God at all. One story involved a college situation and a police officer. They were very engaged in my stories and shocked to hear that I lied, cheated, was very self-absorbed, and got caught stealing. Then I shared how I had a "very sad" time in my life at 28 years old that caused me to experience something called "depression" over a bad relationship. It was in this depression that I started to consider God. They heard how I went to church and how it made me "happy". I loved the music, the message, the promise of a new beginning. They heard about me attending church 7 times in a row one week when a traveling evangelist came to town; and how during that time I got very excited about what I was hearing and seeing. I told them this was when I prayed this prayer: "God I believe in you, I believe in Jesus, but what is this thing I am hearing about healing? Do you still heal?" They heard in a general way about a dream I was given and the supernatural wonder that came in the church service that next night directly from my dream. They heard how I felt a wonderful heaviness come upon me suddenly in that service that made me cry very hard. "Were they happy or sad tears?" One very enthralled little listener inquired. I replied, "Happy tears, they were happy tears because I knew it was God's love all over me and all around me. God was letting me know that "Yes, I still heal and I will heal you." I asked them if they believed me; and they all nodded very seriously that, yes they believed me. Believing in Jesus I told them is the key to being born a 2nd time. He makes all things new by His death on the cross. The girls heard of my relief to be made clean and new, totally forgiven by God through Jesus. They were told they have to decide if they want to know Him and follow Him. When they wanted to decide that, He would come into their heart to heal and renew. The girls were given time alone with their thoughts to consider whether or not they were ready to have Jesus come into their heart. Most said yes!!! We prayed together for Jesus to bring His love into their hearts! Born a 2nd time! New beginnings! I saw the obvious fruit of His touch and love in one of them when they returned this week. Her personality was transformed. She was lighter in heart. She had great joy. She was very involved and generous with what she did in every activity. She underlined scripture in her bible. Often it was her former way to not open scripture up or read with us. She was kinder. She made sure a friend didn't think something she said was offensive. She literally said, "I did not mean that to be offensive okay?" I saw the newness and saw God's nature from above in her. It was beautiful!!! 1 Peter 1:3-5 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,5 who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. God promises new beginnings and not for just one decision in time. He offers new beginnings every day! Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace is willing and faithful to make all things new, every single day, if we ask. Talk to Him! Lamentations 3:22-23 The LORD's loving-kindnesses indeed never cease, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion." says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him."... Psalm 86:5-7 You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. Hear my prayer, LORD; listen to my cry for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me. Talk to the One whose loving kindness has no end, who offers new mercies every morning. Confess what burdens, unload the anxiety on to His shoulders. When you are in distress, call to Him. Do it right now, take a couple minutes to ask for newness that comes from Him. He will answer!
For rest, God offers inspiration from His Word. The beginning of Psalm 23 is used as prayer language inspiration. Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep (his people), John 10:11. There are many reasons God calls his people sheep. A couple reasons include God knowing His people easily go astray and and need guidance like sheep need guidance. His people need help finding soul rest because they are very anxious by nature, just like sheep. They need protection from predators the way sheep need protection. God's people feel alone without God's help. They need assurances of the Good Shepherd's care and protection. Prayer invites God's presence for that supernatural assurance. Jesus is the gateway into God's supernatural life. The 2 minute video prayer exercise below is meant to help you pray Psalm 23:1-4. Just repeat the simple phrases as led in the video to learn some beginning prayer language that invites Jesus' merciful help.. Remember to breathe deeply throughout, don't hold your breath. No need to rush. Gently repeat the prayer phrases and rest in His presence. Let God's promises renew your mind as you pray a few of them contained in this guided meditation. May your heart be revived and a new language come from within, as you talk with God. Blessings! |
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