Details- The Coronavirus trial is creating a lot of upheaval in our lives in ways we have no control over. We need help and strength beyond ourselves. Therefore it is a critical time to seek God’s face and be lifted up into the safety of His promises. You are invited to join in a session to agree in prayer, receive prayer, and stand with others on the promises of God.
Please pray for the session, for the Spirit of God to touch people and heal. Starts tonight at 9pm EST on Into the Waters Facebook page- Praying you join! “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”” - Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV
In the midst of the Coronavirus, Into the Waters will be holding regular interactive prayer sessions on Facebook. The first one will be held Saturday 3/21/20 at 9pm EST and focus on the breath of God. This virus attacks our natural breath, so we press in for His breath as comfort.
The virus attacking your respiratory system can be a terrifying thought. But God does not want you to be terrified. He offers another type of breath to sustain you and protect you heart, mind and soul. His breath is supernatural and received in relationship to Jesus. With His breath in you, you are given eternal life through belief in His salvation. With His breath in you, you can know Him and be fully known by Him. With His breath in you, your soul breathes easy, and is saved from destruction. With fresh fillings, we are to rise up in His life and power for a time such as this. ✨ So join us! The sessions are meant to help you quiet yourself in God's presence, talk to Him, process what is going on within, and more fully experience the life and power of Christ. We will share soul stirring scripture truth to help you apply scripture promises to your life. You will be led in breath prayer exercise, as well as simple prayer reflections. It will inspire your prayer language and help you linger longer in God’s presence. We will also be holding sessions to pray for you, your loved ones, and your neighbors during this trial of COVID-19. Please follow us on Facebook to stay up to speed on session times and receive notice of when we go "LIVE". Join us! Invest in God right now! Hear Him calling us to return to Him! He will calm and quiet the waters within, strengthening and restoring your soul! Blessings on receiving a greater measure of God's peace that surpasses understanding, guarding your heart and mind in Christ Jesus! Please visit Into the Waters' Facebook page at to read some of our recent posts and find some simple prayer exercises! Please like and follow our page to receive prayer inspiration on a more frequent basis than the blog! Blessings! |
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March 2024