![]() (This is the last exercise in a 3-part series meant to help you memorize, ingest, and pray the truths in Deuteronomy 33:3. There is a self-timed prayer exercise below. It will help you spend 6-11+ minutes in prayer with God. You transition at your own pace. The last 2 weeks (3/17 and 3/24) talked about the word “love” as mentioned and defined only once, in Deuteronomy 33:3. Please review those exercises if you haven’t yet! This week, the focus is on another word mentioned and defined only once in Deuteronomy 33:3. That word is “words”. Deuteronomy 33:3- NASV- "Indeed, He loves the people; All Your holy ones are in Your hand, And they followed in Your steps; Everyone receives of Your words. While the occurrence of “words” happens over 500 times in the Bible, here in Deuteronomy 33:3, it is used once and defined uniquely as an INTENSIVE form of God-words coming to God’s people. It seems like another prophetic clue spoken by Moses, that points to Jesus, the Word of God who was to come from Heaven- “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”- John 1:1 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”- John 1:14 “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”- Matthew 4:4 God’s Words are not meant to just be read or heard. They are meant to be meditated upon and received by faith based action. Into the Waters Ministry often uses biblical meditation to take people into deeper experience with God’s Word (Psalm 119:99, Joshua 1:8, Romans 12:2) for soul prosperity and mind renewal. For a reminder of the purpose and intent of the ministry, please visit the “About Us” page and the “Invite Me In” page. Biblical meditation helps people pray. In the way God intended, meditation brings God’s Word alive in concrete scenes, engages the senses, triggers emotional and mental response, and, when in agreement with the Spirit, it supernaturally transforms. Also, it is an excellent vehicle to use to linger with God in prayer. God’s Word is full of concrete descriptions meant to be processed not just in our heart but through the 5 senses and processed with our minds and hearts. We need to slow ourselves down in biblical meditation to pull apart what God intends to say. He helps us by speaking in concrete terms versus our Western way of speaking in abstract terms. Which statement is God’s? A. I want my people to learn a lot from my Word. B. Let my teaching fall like rain, let my words descend like dew, like showers on new blades of grass, abundant rain on tender shoots. The answer is B and it is found in Deuteronomy 32:2. Do you see the difference between the abstract and concrete here? In letter A, what exactly does it mean to “learn a lot”? It is open to interpretation. Your version of “a lot” is different than my version of “a lot”. But in letter B, if you were to tie God’s teaching to the importance of rain, dew, showers, and abundant rain, his point is clear. Not only is it clear, it is packaged in scenes experienced by all people, all ages, all languages, all cultures. Scenes and beauty to linger upon in biblical meditation.
Sometimes the images he gives are not easily understandable to our Western minds that process in abstract ways. As example, Jesus’ parables often refer to unique aspects of Hebrew culture and a wilderness life that needs translation for people in our day. He references farming, shepherding, vine dressing, Old Testament forms of temple worship, olive groves, a sacrificial system that requires blood being shed for forgiveness. These images are full of meaning if we understand in context. The truth of God’s teaching and knowing God intimately comes to the one willing to dig deep for the treasure. The diligent and earnest seeker slows down and waits for God, in the way abundant rain slows down traffic, activity, and life. Slowing down and earnestness are qualities disappearing in our time. It is counter-culture, as we Westerners live fast and want an immediate google-answer. But there is no avoiding the fact that a healthy, thriving prayer life with God doesn’t come through “scanning” pages for answers. He is not a “drive-thru” or known from Instagram posts. The diligent and earnest are rewarded, Hebrews 11:6. These are the saints at his feet bowing, listening, and processing His words and instruction. Deuteronomy 33:3- NASV- "Indeed, He loves the people; All Your holy ones are in Your hand, And they followed in Your steps; Everyone receives of Your words. Take some time to sit at his feet, receive His Words, know the WORD who is himself God. May you lose track of time as you talk to God and rest in His presence. Blessings! ![]()
![]() Last week, the LORD impressed upon me his fervent love for a certain group of people, his saints. This led me on a path to discover the first mention of saints in the Bible. It is first found in an Old Testament book of Deuteronomy. What was most interesting about the mention of saints in this section of scripture, was God's love of the saints. At first glance, that may not seem interesting. But look behind the love as defined in Deuteronomy 33:3 and as mentioned in last week's blog, a fascinating description emerges. It is only in this one scripture that particular definition for "love" exists. Since then, I have stayed fascinated by the sensory experiences the definition contained; and so have continued to pray this love definition for the saints. I set up a sand based prayer tool this week where I wrote many names one at a time. (Note- see slides below with a few names of saints I prayed for). You might find it fun to set up something similar as a sand-based prayer tool. I found running my finger in the sand a very helpful tactile experience to focus prayer intent. Would be a fun thing to try with your little ones too! After writing a saint's name in the sand, I traced my finger "round about them" and proclaimed the truth of God's love over them based upon the 4 pictures of the love definition in Deuteronomy 33:3.
Take time to visualize the unique descriptions in those 4 aspects of God's love. Look at how active it is! Think of the tenderness of our God who has a love that draws his saints into him, to hide them within himself and draw them close to be held by him. This is a love expressed by the breath of God! His breath is warm and compassionate and tender. His love burns within, it's raised by blowing! Who else can fit this description of love but God? Who else's breath stokes a fire within? His is the only love that raises people with the fervent, burning, Holy fire of Christ! I love how God's breath is associated with love here in this definition! Makes sense that his breath is a vehicle for his love. We can see it when he breathed his life into man in Genesis 2:7. We see Jesus Christ as the Word of God who spoke all things into being with his breath, (Genesis 1, Hebrews 11:3 & Psalm 33:9, Colossians 1:15-19). He spoke and acted in a warm, tender, fervent, compassionate way to Jews and Gentiles when he walked the earth. He still does so by His Spirit. His alone is a love that draws people to himself, into his embrace. His love invites people to sit at his feet to listen and receive instruction. His love still burns and raises through the blowing of the Holy Spirit fire he sends to the saints from above- Acts 1:4-5 (pneuma, the breath of God). Yes I referenced this as part of the exercise last week, but not everyone reads weekly. So it is worth emphasizing the depth of scripture truth found in that one definition of love. It also expresses the prophetic promise of the coming Messiah (Yeshua) and His Holy Spirit? So cool! The love definition and its pictures are a simple but profound treasure worth putting to memory in meditative prayer with another exercise this week! The 4 aspects of the definition should be simple to "see" in your mind's eye. 1. Picture yourself being hidden in him 2. being held in a tender embrace 3. ask for his holy spirit to warm your heart, to breathe more of his life into you 4. ask for his love to burn away all that is dead inside and to raise you again in His power. After you do so, proclaim it for others! It is a scripture to take a list of names and pray the 4 images upon them, that they would know this love of God. To help you do that, I have created a 3 minute video (found below) that you can listen to once, then mute the sound and use as a visual tool to pray each person needing to know God's love this way. Or maybe get some sand, write the names of saints one-by-one and circle them with the promised loved of Deuteronomy 33:3. Before you know it, maybe you will have watched in prayer with God for 30 minutes or more! Give it a try! Something else that might be interesting is to consider asking people this week how they think God defines love for his people. See if they include ANY of the 4 or more pictures described in God's definition. See if they are curious as to why you ask. Maybe God will open a door to talk about his unique love specially assigned to those who believe as defined in Deuteronomy and affirmed here in Ephesians: Ephesians 1:14 The Spirit is God's guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him. 15 Ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for God's people everywhere, 16 I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, 17 asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.18 I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people (saints) who are his rich and glorious inheritance.19 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power20 that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms.21 Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come.22 God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church.23 And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself. ![]() As someone assigned to intercede (mainly for God’s people), he reminded me of and focused me on His special love for the “saints” this week. Not all people, but on the saints. There is a definite distinction. What a privilege it is to be a “saint”! What special promises, what special attention and protection, what grace and mercy, what favor “saints” receive! Truly it should make others yearn for God's love. When they see you are one in whom is all his delight, it should make them want to know Him. Saints have a place of supernatural favor that many others cannot claim. Some will scoff and argue that, some would be upset that I claim his special attention is for some and not for others; but their arguments are their own block. Because the gift to become a saint is available to all. There is a door to open so Christ may enter, a covering of blood to be washed clean forever, a Holy Spirit to draw upon continually for supernatural life (John 1:12, John 3:5-7, Romans 10:9, Revelation 3:20). The way God reminded me about his special care for the saints this week is by taking me to a scripture mentioning them and his special love for meant just for them. I’m not going to reveal the scripture yet because there are some questions and meditations below meant to stir your curiosity and help you find your own treasure (meditation exercise at end of blog). But when I saw the word “saints” in the first passage God put on my heart, I became curious. It made me wonder if this was where the word “saints” first appeared. It wasn't. So I followed my wonder and it took me on a spirit-filled treasure hunt to see things I hadn’t seen nor put to memory in prayer picture form before. The first mention of saints in the Bible is a scripture filled with beautiful scenes to “see” in my mind’s eye. I have stayed with this scripture all week. And through the process of meditating, going deeper, studying and searching for God's meaning behind the words, I experienced several forms of supernatural renewal. And you can too! Here is the first part of the first scripture mentioning saints and God's love for them- "Yes, God loved the people, he holds his saints in his hand..." The word "loved" here is the only place this word is used. Of course there are many places the word "love" appears; just not with this exclusive definition. Note this exclusive occurrence is tied to how God loves by holding his people. There is treasure stopping right there. It's the first hint of the exclusive and special love God has for his saints. But it gets better, so keep going... As I dug deeper into the pictures found in this exclusive definition of God's love for His saints, wonderful prayer scenes developed. It inspired me to begin to take some of you by name and intercede for you! By name, I carried you in my mind’s eye through the love God has for his saints based upon the definition of love in this one occurrence. The time of intercession using this scripture gave me a fresh measure of joy to pray for God’s people! Truly God gave me a renewed, special affection. It ignited within me a greater supernatural love for his own! Even more interesting, He joined me in my prayers while praying! He did so as I prayed by name for people! The Holy Spirit put in my mind's eye pictures of this special love, different scenes and responses of him expressing his love as I prayed the saint scripture! Here are a few examples of what He put in my mind's eye as I prayed for some saints by name. (Note, this was as a result of praying into images behind the definition of love found in Strongs concordance. More exlanation at the end in the exercise.) To one in whom He held in embrace, he pulled back ever so slightly, while keeping her in his embrace, and produced a rose he then lovingly gave to her. To another He was holding in his embrace, he broke from the strong hug, and then turned the man around so that he would walk; but not alone. The Lord stayed close, walking with Him, putting his arm of comradery and strength upon the man’s shoulder. To another he whispered secrets, to another he placed a crown and danced with her slowly. In response, these saints were at his feet to receive instruction. It was beautiful! I am excited to keep going through the names of saints! Saints will sit at his feet to learn. They will respond to His love and promises.
Being able to pray scripture this way is not about making up our own interpretation. It’s not just for some and not for others. It comes as a result of seeing God in His WORD. He gives lots of pictures to see that are within the meaning and context of His Word. God's Word is a limitless resource for biblical meditation. But, praying His Word in the way I just partly described above, came as a result of childlike worship and faith and study. I have found freedom in His Spirit. I wondered with a hunger for more. I went on a hunt for deeper meaning. I dug for the treasure, sat with the treasure, pictured others with the treasure I found. The treasure in his word is a pure and holy gift given especially to and exclusively for the saints! Others won’t see it; they will deny it exists, they will misinterpret; they will trample the pearls underneath their feet. But not the saints. There are those who doubt God gives pictures in prayer. But should it really surprise us that God responds to childlike faith and unfolds his Word in greater measure? What a shame to those who doubt God still whispers, who doubt that He still enters the spirit reality of prayer, and reveals He is near. He is close to his saints. This is what a living and active WORD does for those with the mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:8-16. The Word does live. He is really active. The Spirit speaks and brings God near. John 16:13-15 Message translation: “I still have many things to tell you, but you can’t handle them now. But when the Friend comes, the Spirit of the Truth, he will take you by the hand and guide you into all the truth there is. He won’t draw attention to himself, but will make sense out of what is about to happen and, indeed, out of all that I have done and said. He will honor me; he will take from me and deliver it to you. Everything the Father has is also mine. That is why I’ve said, ‘He takes from me and delivers to you.’ For Spirit filled believers, God’s Word will come alive in prayer through your childlike faith. He is faithful to paint it with colorful brush strokes of biblical meaning and present it to us by the Holy Spirit. It is a discipline to engage and exercise your faith. But, it is worth your time to spend your EFFORT praying this way with your King. He will bless it; and you will be renewed in His presence! So my prayer, as you read the rest is, don’t rush. Stop and consider. Think through and visualize the first part of the scripture I feel led to share. The total blog exercise and meditation will be completed in the next 3 blogs. If you participate, you will be renewed! You will memorize and ingest the Word you’ve consumed. I believe for you that a powerful witness of the Spirit will energize your mind, body, and spirit! Press in, carry childlike wonder into prayer. I would love to hear back from you on what God shows you, what treasure you discovered, what expression of His power and life arose, and carried you forward with supernatural life! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part one of 3 part Meditation exercise: Note- it’s okay to not know the answers. It will help actually. Not knowing is meant to build curiosity in you, to develop a hunger to know and discover. Its helps create wonder and is a step that assists you in memorizing and receiving God’s Word. First question to ponder: I started the blog saying God focused me on his love for the saints this week. In what book of the Bible do you think the word “saints” first appears? If you don’t know, take several minutes to “guess”. Take time to reason it through to see what you “think” the answer might be. Second thing: Who do you think said it and penned it? Here is the scripture.
Okay, now visualize. Take a first step to “see” that scripture: Think about the one described in the scripture. Who do you see? Who loves the people? Who holds his holy ones in his hand? At whose feet do people sit to receive instruction? Who do you picture? A god spirit far away in the heavens or a God who came near and dwelt with His people? You should be seeing Jesus at this point. He is the one being referenced in the scripture above. The God who loves his people, holds his saints in his hand, at whose feet his saints bow, the one from whom they receive instruction. But do you know yet who said it and in which book this special love for his saints is first mentioned? Try and complete this statement: Jesus said, “If you believed -----, you would believe me, for he wrote about me.” – John 5:46 To whom is Jesus referencing? Soems- Unscramble those letters and you have the person Jesus was referencing in John 5:46. You also have the answer to who wrote the scripture of God loving and holding his saints! Now it is clear the first reference to God's special love for his saints is found in an Old Testament book. Are you closer to guessing which book of the Bible? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Fill in the blanks and that is the book the first reference to saints is found in!) 33:3 That is the verse number. Easy to memorize and how aptly placed. Are you surprised that “saints” are referenced in the 5th book of the Bible? Did you think it only in reference to New Testament believers? I was not aware of this amazing prophecy of Moses. Now I am and I don't think I will forget it. It's an amazing prophecy of Jesus, spoken through Moses! Back to the scripture uniquely defining God's love for his people… “Yes God LOVED the people, all his saints are in his hand…” The word “loved” here is unique. It is the one and only time it is used. It is the Hebrew word châbab (khaw-bab). Circle the description(s) below that you think define the word love as referenced (in biblical dictionaries)- “Surely it is you who love the people, all the holy ones (saints) are in your hand. At your feet they all bow down, and from you receive instruction…” · To hide oneself secretly (as in the bosom) · To love fervently with deep affection · To breathe upon, warm, and cherish · A burning, a heat, especially as raised by blowing How many did you circle? Unscramble the Answer- Lalfohtebaoev Here is the picture to pray based upon this definition of how God loves his people- Jesus hides those he loves, He hides them in a secret place, drawing them into his bosom! Deeply and fervently He takes them into himself with great affection! His embrace is warm, his saints are cherished. He breathes upon them with His Spirit. The Spirit burns within and sanctifies them. By His Spirit within, they are raised to eternal life, by the promise of Christ’s sacrifice for their sins. The God who loves his people seals them secretly within by the power of the Holy Spirit. Here is the scripture God started me with that led me to Deuteronomy 33:3- Psalm 16:8- I say of the holy people who are in the land, “They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.” All His delight... very special, very exclusive, for his saints... Do you see all of the pictures you can pray from this one word of LOVE?! Surely God loves his saints… All of this truth from one explicit Hebrew definition of God’s love! Now you can more clearly see how I “prayed” this for some of you with this scripture, this one Word, in context, and in biblical definition. Pray it for yourself and pray it for someone else. Are you one of His own? A saint in whom is all his delight? Enter time of prayer. "See" yourself being drawn into Christ’s embrace. Stay there, and be still. See yourself resting on his chest to hear his heart beating for you. Feel the warmth in his embrace. Be open to let the Holy Spirit bring whatever other whispers of holiness or responses. If you are just starting, be patient with yourself. Everyone is in a different place for mind renewal by the Holy Spirit. If you struggle with believing you are a saint, send me an email. Let me pray for you. Tell me what you believe about yourself, about Jesus. For those who try the exercise, keep practicing envisioning the pictures behind the scripture. I will give more next week for you to build upon the rest of Deuteronomy 33:3. As you keep doing it, staying within the promises of God’s truth, you will enter into deeper expression of love from God to you and from you to him! And as a final cap off for your prayer time, sing! Listen to Hawk Nelson. It's about a song he wrote for the saints! "Go ahead and live like you're loved, go ahead and act like you've been set free..." Blessings! ![]() I hope all are well and warm. What a windstorm this week! The storm snapped off the top of my neighbor’s “junk” tree taking off the top of my spruce tree. Both came crashing down and lay over electrical lines meant to feed my house with power. With trees to lift before my lines are fixed, I have no idea if I will be first or last on their list. There are many uprooted trees, many snapped like toothpicks! God makes the winds his messengers, Psalm 104:4a. Maybe I am reading into it too much, but I have been pondering the wind and considering tree roots over the last month (see this blog and this blog). Forgetting this week’s 80+ mile an hour winds, in Luke 17, Jesus mentions that mustard seed faith can uproot a Sycamore-mulberry tree. Luke 17:6 He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. Did you know that the Sycamore-mulberry tree has a damaging and invasive root system? The root system spreads far and deep. It grows quickly; with roots that densely DOMINATE the surrounding soil areas. These roots can cause foundation problems to whatever is planted nearby. Apparently, it does not penetrate foundations; but it so affects the surrounding soil of the foundation, that the foundation will warp and buckle. There is a lot to ponder in that picture. In my mind’s eye, it hard to “see” a mustard seed uprooting a massive and invasive underground root system. If we don’t understand the context of Jesus’ words, we might start beating ourselves up. We see deeply entrenched root systems in our lives that don’t budge. We question if our faith is smaller than the mustard seed! This might lead to discouragement! If our faith was larger, certainly “this addiction”, “this relationship”, “this problem” wouldn’t be such a problem! That type of thinking can deter people from persevering in prayer and steal joy from the conversational and intimate relationship God intends. He desires his “house” (your body indwelt by His Spirit) to be a house of prayer! In context, prior to his comment about the mustard seed uprooting the mulberry tree, Jesus had given warning to his disciples to not put a stumbling block in the way of “little” ones. He also gave instruction to continually forgive the brother, who repeatedly offends, yet who repeatedly asks for forgiveness. To this instruction, the disciples say, “Increase our faith!” That prayer request for increased faith is what prompted Jesus to declare mustard seed faith could uproot the entrenched roots of mulberry trees. But was the size of faith the focus or was simple obedience by faith the focus? If Jesus strictly warns us to not trip up or tempt his children (our brothers and sisters) to sin or lose faith; and if he tells us to forgive those who asks us to forgive them, why wouldn’t disciples just say “ok”? Why ask for more faith? Maybe I am wrong; but it seems like the disciples were skirting the issue of obedience. I say this because right after Jesus talks about mustard seed faith uprooting the mulberry tree, he tells a story of a servant working in a field all day and the master expecting that same servant to come in and serve the master supper and doing what is expected, continuing to humbly serve. And then Jesus says as application to his disciples, “So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’” - Luke 17:10 I think the hyperbole of the mustard seed uprooting the mulberry tree is more about simple obedience BY faith. It’s not about the size, because faith either exists or it doesn’t, i.e. unbelief (Matthew 17:20). Mustard seed faith will grow after being planted by obedience and surrender. Simple obedience by faith is powerful. It reveals us as disciples. There are 57 “one another” scriptures that encourage us to love one another deeply. When we love one another, the whole world will know we are Christ's disciples. This is love that “moves” mountains of unbelief. Our simple obedience by faith (the size of a mustard seed) will move mountains of unbelief in ourselves and others! Invasive and destructive root systems that damage faith foundations shall be removed and thrown into the sea! Here are some ideas on mustard seed prayer to root out the “mulberry” tree. Take one question a day or just take one question that hits a nerve. Take it slow. Let the Holy Spirit do His patient work in you. · You’ve offended (Luke 17:1-2)- Ask God to bring to mind any words or actions that may have negatively affected the faith walk of one of God’s “little ones”. Do you need to go to your children, a newer believer, a spouse, a friend, a co-worker etc. and admit your behavior, words, or thoughts have not represented Christ and ask them for forgiveness? · Someone else offended (Luke 17:3-4)- Ask God to show you if there is an offense bothering you? Has someone else's "mulberry roots" negatively impacted your faith foundation? Or are you holding a grudge against someone who has asked you for forgiveness? Do you need to let go of an offense? Do you need to grieve? Ask God for wisdom in whatever situation needs forgiveness or to be let go. · Lack of faith (Matthew 17:20)- Is there no mustard seed (belief) at all? Need a deeper level of trust in Him? Ask Jesus to show you the root of unbelief or lack of surrender. What feelings and thoughts come up in you when you consider God wants obedience as proof of your faith and love? Negative or positive? Resentment or relief? A vision that sets you up for failure or a path to leads freedom? A weight of torment or a yoke of ease? A religious prison or a field of friendship with Jesus? He will help you get to the root of your wrong judgment of God as good. Give it time; but stick with Jesus because He is faithful to show you the real issue of unbelief. Ask for roots that go down more deeply into Him! Blessings as you talk to Jesus! Favor be upon you as you humble yourself and confess weakness! Colossians 2:7- Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Hebrews 12:14-15- 14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. 15 See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. My friend gifted me some away time for my birthday this week. Friday (yesterday) was our last day and it was the best day of New Jersey coast adventure. Talking/praying/worshipping in the morning, off to beach combing, on to clam chowder, more beach combing, ending our day riding a rollercoaster of emotion watching the true story of "Miracles from Heaven". (Highly recommend you rent the movie! Kleenex required! Great message on miracles and inexplicable suffering.)
After the movie, I attempted to finish the blog I started for this week, but felt tired. Just woke up with whispers to my heart from God... "Happy birthday". A gentle reminder that He gifted me this getaway and is ministering to my flesh, soul, and spirit. Those of us who put lots of pressure on ourselves need the grace filled reminders grounded in scripture. It IS for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free! So enjoy the couple of pictures, find time to sing and talk to Jesus, and may you be blessed to cry tears prompted by the miraculous love of God! He is so good! Galatians 5:1- It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. |
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