"Trust".Hello! Happy Monday! Or not. There is a ton of heaviness and angst many are carrying right now due to the world's current state of affairs.
In early March, just five days before everything got shut down in my state of New York, I was at a Christian women's conference. Jennie Allen was the last speaker, and she had us do a listening prayer exercise. We were to ask God a question, what is a key for my faith this year? What came to me was "trust". At that time I was in a good place in terms of trusting God, so I wondered what that meant. And very shortly I was about find out. I would definitely need to deepen in trust. We are each experiencing our own levels of anxiety and upset and upheaval since the pandemic changed our lives. Some have experienced loss in terms of a job, a family member, perspective on life. We are a nation in turmoil.. Our daily lives scrambled. One day we hear "x", the next day it is changed to "y". What should have been settled on November 3rd is not done, or is it? Conflict, divide, only seems to be intensifying already fragile connections and relationships. Are we facing another shut down? Depends who you ask! Truly our foundations are being shaken. We are forced to examine if our faith is built on solid rock or sand, Matthew 7:24-29 . God IS calling us to deeper levels of trust. Trust in His Sovereignty. Trust in His Word to feed our soul and satisfy every need. Trust in the day-to-day and let go. Trust and freshly discover He provides for our soul’s every need! "Who of you can add a single hour to your life?" Matthew 6:27 Jesus is calling us to live hour-by- hour, moment-by-moment, not to forecast. We must let go of false notion that we have control over anything. "Trust ME." We are in a wilderness experience as the body of Christ. We are walking in territory that requires clinging to Jesus. So how are you doing with that? Is His WORD feeding your soul so that you get up from His presence satisfied? King David's wilderness words of "When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63 reveals King David was up through the night. Not ruminating on certain doom, but meditating on the faithfulness of God. He was clinging to the LORD. His soul following closely behind Him. He envisioned following behind God. His Good Shepherd in front of him. God's right hand of power upholding him. Into the Waters resources offer you ways to cling to God. To visualize His hand holding yours. To rest beneath the shadow of His wings, offering interactive exercises to reflect on the faithfulness of God. We've had online prayer and meditation sessions; and the testimonies that come out are always irrefutable of His presence and comfort and power touching participants! We have a Monday-Friday daily podcast that is growing in daily listens, and producing similar praise of God's presence and power. People say they weep in His presence. They are connecting with Him, being fed and nurtured in the secret place with Him. So I invite you to listen to the podcast for the first time, or again as we launch a new format that starts today! This week we are introducing the podcast in theme format with repeatable spiritual disciplines to practice on the same day every day of the week. Here is how it will break out:
Today's podcast is a breath prayer of "Lord Jesus, have mercy on me." You'll hear a brief background on breath prayer and then be led into the exercise. Gentle instrumentals end the session so that you can practice on your own and end in your own timing. You can find Peace Be Still Daily Prayer Podcast on all major podcast providers. Try it out! Would love to hear your feedback after! And finally, this ministry is a by faith ministry. We rely on one-time offerings and monthly donors. No pressure, but know that your donation will go to expanding reach, expanding offerings, and pressing in to our mission to help people linger longer with God in prayer, to draw near and know Christ! See our donate page for secure link if you want to support our prayer mission. Blessings!
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March 2024