![]() When we have no more love to give, when we have become overwhelmed by the demands of others... simply confess... tell God... I will run the way of your commandments, WHEN you enlarge my heart, (Psalm 119:32 KJV) I was so relieved to find the KJV of Psalm 119:32. It gave me an immediate out. I told the LORD this week, that I will run the way of His commandments WHEN he enlarges my heart. I am at a standstill, unwilling and resisting His call in a situation. I am holding my ground, not willing to go forward. I judge myself as disobedient. God whispers as I type, "You're being critical, it's just a time of learning." Boy does He see differently than me! Do you think you are allowed to take a time out? To stop? To tell God, "I'm not able to do what you are asking me to do." I believe we are. I had victory last week, asking for mercy and not two days later, there I was back in an ever greater trial failing miserably! I believe He absolutely brings us to the end of ourselves. For me of late it seems daily. If He didn't, when would we need supernatural help?! He knows the spirit is willing; but the flesh is weak. It's more about what we do in those moments though that will bring victory or defeat. Do we run away from Him, or do we put ourselves in a prayerful "time-out" and wait on His power? Last week I said to my small group, "I don't know what I know right now." I just want to be silent and not say anything. Interestingly, we just started a study about living in the power of the Spirit. Yet there I was feeling all flesh and dead to emotion, no spirit. Have you heard of Watchman Nee? He has a book called "Release of the Spirit". I spent some time reading it again this week. He was one who suffered severe persecution in China, ultimately dying for his faith, yet leaving a legacy of Spirit life beyond his earthly days. In this book he states, "Anyone who serves God will discover sooner or later that the great hindrance he has in the Lord's work is not others, but himself. He will discover that his outward man (soul) is not in harmony with his inward man (spirit). Both tend to go toward two opposite directions from each other. He will also sense the inability of his outward man to submit to the inner control of his regenerated spirit, received through the new birth. Thus, he is rendered incapable of obeying God's highest commands. He will quickly detect that his greatest difficult lies in his outward man, which hinders him from using his spirit." Nee's words begin a chapter on the Spirit called "The Importance of Brokenness." Fun, fun, fun... brokenness is required. Our soul (seat of our emotions and will) and our flesh (body) need to be surrendered for the Spirit to manifest through us, see Romans chapter 8. Its the parable of the seed falling to the ground and dying to produce many seeds, John 12:24. Christ was the first seed, now we are the many seeds called to do the same. All the while the spirit is willing; but the flesh is weak. Galatians 5:17 has a great scripture that makes this battle so clear- "For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." But sometimes we do get stuck and look for every avenue to bail out. We try to do the right thing; but all efforts lead to frustration. All attempts lead to failure. We can waste years in this "one area" or "areas" of frustration. We know something is wrong and repeatedly attempt to "will" ourselves into submission. But in the end that effort fails and we can be just left sitting and staring at the wall, feeling utterly defeated and upset, no light on our path to victory. Another giant of the faith, Oswald Chambers describes the need for brokenness this way- “At times God puts us through the discipline of darkness to teach us to heed Him. Song birds are taught to sing in the dark, and we are put into the shadow of God's hand until we learn to hear Him...Watch where God puts you into darkness, and when you are there keep your mouth shut. Are you in the dark just now in your circumstances, or in your life with God? Then remain quiet...When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you get into the light.” There are places not yet surrendered; there are places I cannot reach. I lay myself down in my weakness. LORD of mercy descend... rise up in me. And for a 3rd man of great faith that taught the same message of brokenness; calling it the law of travail, Theodore Austin Sparks (1888-1971) "The Lord allows travail- indeed, He not only allows it, but appoints it- in order to find out whether really there is a heart-relationship to His things... I found a tree lying at the side of the road, not far from my house. The day before, it had been upright and growing, and looking like all the other trees. It had all the leaves of profession, all the proximity of association with other trees, and outwardly it could pass off as being the real thing. But a storm came and now it was lying there; and when I looked at it I found that it had no heart: it was a completely hollow thing- there was only a framework. That is a parable. That is what is happening, and what is going to happen, and what God will cause to happen everywhere. The travail will come- the suffering, the persecution, trials, whatever it may be; and, whatever may be its form, whether it be within or without, it is going to come in order to discover whether there is a heart there for God, or whether, after all, it is hollow, it is profession, it is simply association on the outside, and not real on the inside. God must expose what is not real, and God must test everything to prove it." If you are at the end of your faith, really struggling, count it normal! But do not stay there! Boldly confess the end of your faith. Boldly confess your weaknesses to Jesus (2 Corinthians 12:9), He loves you and longs to hear you need more of Him. As you boldly confess, wait. Days, weeks, months, whatever the case, wait. That is what I am doing, waiting on more life of the Spirit. Watchman Nee stated he waited 3 months one time, until He felt God's power enter a situation. He said nothing; He did nothing on his own strength. He even stopped preaching and ministering during this season! He fasted, he prayed, he read God's Word, he waited. Then God's power came one morning and he got true victory! He was willing to admit need, to wait on God's presence and power. May you be willing to wait on the life of the Spirit and then obey. Look to Jesus, the author and perfecter, the finisher of your faith, Hebrews 12:2. Read last week's blog for an exercise of crying out for mercy; or pray Psalm 119:32 and wait on His Spirit's touch to enlarge the work of the Spirit in your heart. If you want to fast, here is a link to a recent blog with a fasting document you can download. Psalm 119:32 "I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart."
![]() "I struggle with quieting my mind." I repeatedly hear some version of this when ministering in sessions to believers. I also hear it in plain conversation, when people share with me about their prayer blocks. I myself have frequently been experiencing quieting my own mind and soul down in the last month to pray. Hearing the same struggle from unbelievers and seekers too. Just had a conversation with a guy who admitted he wants to quiet his mind and get to know God, but feels its a frustrating and fruitless endeavor because he can't sit still. What wisdom do I believe is coming from the Holy Spirit on this? For me, and hopefully this will help you too, I am freshly crying out for mercy. Simple as that. Powerful outcome! Last night as I was going to sleep, I used one scripture of a cry for mercy, half of a scripture actually, and repeated it over and over and over AND visualized it. In the process I did eventually fall asleep. The whole prayer time until sleep probably lasted 10 minutes. Repeating a short scripture with a simple picture is kind of like a form of "counting sheep" I suppose. In counting sheep, you not only count, you also "see" the sheep jumping over the fence. In doing so, you are focusing your mind on the natural process of counting with a simple image, the sheep scene playing in your mind. I don't know the science behind it, but counting sheep can help one fall asleep. Certainly it helps take our mind off of what consumes and puts it in a non-threatening or non-stressful situation of counting sheep. This seems to logically lead to the mind relaxing and eventual sleep. Of course in regards to prayer, our goal is not to fall asleep, we want our minds transformed! But in this exercise, as you do it before bedtime, don't feel bad if you fall asleep repeating a simple scripture, picturing a comforting scene of God's love. God's Word is living and active and I believe going to sleep in this way opens up a door for His Word to process in you while you sleep, giving you a new perspective upon waking. So instead of counting and picturing sheep, repeat and picture scripture. It helps; it really does. It's best to not make up your own picture though, you should know what to picture in the context of the scripture. Behind words in scripture are countless pictures. These are discovered by going to biblical dictionaries and a bible concordance. It's surprising the number of pictures and scenes hidden behind words in scripture and they give a much deeper and richer revelation of God's intent. It can truly be a full sensory experience once you see what is behind a word. Additionally, approaching God's Word this way is a great help in prayer and meditation and scripture interpretation. As an example lets look at soul thirst. When the psalmist explains how his soul is thirsty, here is what he writes- "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God." What is the scene describing his soul thirst? A deer panting for water. Deer will pant to lose heat; and in the process lose water, create thirst driving their need to seek water. This is how the psalmist parallels his soul need. When we are "panting" inside, we are not at rest. We are upset, overwhelmed etc. Our soul need a drink that satisfies and calms us. For whom is the soul directed for relief? God. This is only one example of God having pictures behind words in scripture that add meaning and context. These pictures help reveal His love and truth giving us a way to more fully consume our minds and FOCUS. Now let's look at mercy and asking for mercy to help quiet our mind before sleep. What do you think is the biblical picture behind mercy? As I mentioned, I have learned not to conjure it up. I look it up. God's definitions are often not anything to depth of meaning as what we might imagine. To our pleasant surprise, what His concrete definitions are very rich in depth, breadth. width, and heavenly heights. Mercy in Hebrew is rooted in a word that means to incline towards, encamp around, rest and abide in a protective covering. Further it means to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior, to direct favor, to grant and bestow a generous gift and kindness. Think of all the pictures that come together to picture God's mercy! Can you see God inclining his ear towards you, encamping around you with His presence, you resting in the protective covering of His holiness and divine power around you? Can you see Him stooping, bending in kindness towards you, directing his favor upon you, granting you your request and offering you undeserved kindness? That is a lot of transformative truth and a lot of pictures to ponder to "see" mercy! Just think of one comforting thought that fits the "scene" of mercy according to the definition and make that your picture. For some help, think of scripture accounts of the LORD stooping and offering underserved mercy. Reflect on the account of Him washing his disciples feet. He even washed the feet of the one who betrayed him to death! Think about the account of him touching the leper. Read the account of him talking to the woman at the well. Reflect on the accounts of him staying silent in the midst of countless false witnesses. Read the account of his words to the thief on the cross. Our Savior is a God who acts from His character of divine mercy! Give it a try. Simplify your prayer. Just cry out for mercy AND visualize one small scene that puts you in the picture of receiving mercy. Psalm 57:1a is the "half" of scripture I prayed last night for a couple of minutes in bed and then kept repeating and visualizing as I lay down. First I started sitting up in bed until I was easily repeating the scripture over and over. Then I put myself in the picture. I pictured myself running to His protective love and covering. I was safe and abiding in His covering where no one could get to me. His mercy was covering me. Then I laid down and kept repeating and picturing. Not aware of when or how, I was calm and quiet and fell asleep. Try it. Psalm 57:1a- "Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge..." Say it over and over and over and picture a scene like that of the biblical definition of mercy. Put yourself in a scene to cry out and also "see" His mercy being extended to you. Yes, do this to help you quiet your mind. Test Him in this, see if His Word truly has power. What was the outcome for me? Interestingly, in a quiet way through the night I was aware that my thoughts ended up gently wrestling with Christ's mercy towards Judas, the one who betrayed him to death. This led me to think about people and situations in my life and a desire began to bubble up to offer mercy and unexpected kindness! It was amazing considering where I've been in my thoughts! Lots of stinkin' thinkin'! Yet I woke up in the morning with conviction to offer mercy towards others, mercy I've been wanting to withhold! God had mercy on my closed heart! Sweet relief! God's Word is truly living and active, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart! Repeating the Word of God, envisioning the Word of God, ingesting, mulling over, considering (all forms of biblical meditation) produces a vastly different outcome than counting sheep. It renews our mind and hides His word in our heart so that we don't sin against him, Romans 12:2 and Psalm 119:11. Mind spinning?! Stinkin' thinkin'? Simplify! Cry out for Christ's tender mercy! Once you truly receive it anew, you will want to give it! "How best can I show gratitude to God for sparing my life....Go to the market, buy some water, wine, grape juice and milk, and give to those thirsty people who come to the market who are in the scorching sun, heavy laden. As you give to these people, you give to God—This is what the Hindus teach as well as Jesus. Krishna taught this 500 years before Christ. There are good morals, ethics on how to live from Krishna, but not salvation." ~ Pillai Luke 18:…37“Jesus of Nazareth is passing by,” they told him. 38 So he called out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" 39 Those who led the way admonished him to be silent, but he cried out all the louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me.”… Blessings! ![]() I'm in the process of sending out donation letters for 2016. In them, I am including a summary of ministry fruit and thought I'd include the same content in this week's blog. He deserves the glory! Know that God worked through you in any financial support, words of encouragement, participation as a reader or in an event, and in any form of prayer for this ministry. These means helped sustain and advance initial ministry activities for which I am truly thankful and humbled! They were also evidence that God is directing the mission of Into the Waters. The mission of Into the Waters Ministry, Inc. is to inspire people to linger longer with God in prayer, resourcing the earnest to draw near and know Christ. Towards that mission, in 2016:
Over 87% of attendants stated they were extremely satisfied or very satisfied with their prayer experience! They gave excellent feedback via survey and email responses, making it clear that the Holy Spirit ministered deeply to individuals in the sessions. The Word of God renewed minds with scriptural truth. People heard from God. Many processed and confessed weaknesses, releasing burdens. About 30% asked for personal prayer. Overall it was clear God’s presence was the reason this ministry touched people! All glory to God! Already in 2017, 3 sessions have been held. Two of the 3 sessions have been private sessions using Psalm 23, with 12 people in attendance within those 2 private groups. 2017’s main focus will be on expanding reach through private small group sessions instead of community sessions. The community sessions were very helpful in introducing the mission of the ministry, testing and revising format, giving people an initial experience of biblical meditation, and opening doors for invitations into private group settings. New people are being reached as group leaders invite Into the Waters into their settings. This shift of going out will also enable the ministry to do some outreach to local organizations as the LORD leads and opens those doors. Visit the "Invite Me In" page to inquire about a private group session for your small group or ministry. Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you…” Into the Waters Ministry is going out to make disciples, Matthew 28:18-20. Using the Word of God as inspiration and with the Holy Spirit’s help, people are lingering longer with God in prayer. They are waiting on His presence, listening for His counsel, wrestling with and confessing weaknesses, carrying burdens to Christ, and drawing nearer to renew their minds in Christ. Is that a ministry that you would continue supporting? If so, please consider becoming a regular partner of the ministry and support the LORD’s heart that his house be a house of prayer, that people would humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their own way to His way. If we do, He will hear, forgive, and heal, 2 Chronicles 7:14. With additional donations, the ministry would like to focus on developing downloadable resources and printable resources for individual’s private prayer closets and for use in small group settings. Thank you for any donation that contributes to our prayer equipping and resourcing mission! Visit the donation page to donate- www.intothewaters.com/donate. Thank you so much for your readership and support! May 2017 be a year you seek His face like never before! As 2017 begins, consider a fast. Forget what is behind and go forward in His grace and life! Below you will find a document to guide you in fasting from leaven, a symbolic object of flesh life. Live in the life of His Spirit! Gina Williamson Servant of the Good Shepherd Into the Waters Ministry, Inc. ![]()
![]() If you've got pain, He's a pain taker. If you feel lost, He's a way maker. If you need freedom or saving, He's a prison-shaking Savior. If you got chains, He's a chain breaker... These are lyrics that have been going through my head off and on ever since I heard the song “Chain Breaker” by Zach Williams. I testify that the lyrics are truth and promise. He does take our pain. He does make a way. He does release souls held captive. He does break chains of oppression. But who really responds to His promises? The most frustrating and disturbing thing I am currently processing within relationships and in "the Body of Christ", is people’s rejection of Christ's truth and promises. Not just people in general but believers. There are a lot of believers confessing Christ yet stay stuck in pits they shouldn’t be in. Jesus offers healing; but He is often rejected. He is reminding me lately that He said to the paralytic, “Do you WANT to get well?” See John 5. He knows how to question and drill right into the heart of a matter. Do you really want to get well? Why do you call me LORD? Too many are comforted by the chaos they’ve always known. They prefer to blame others and not look deep within. Jesus did say people love darkness more than light. This week we had a major wind storm. I was out of town and staying in a place where the high winds were whipping through the place, shaking the windows and rippling through crevices in the foundation and siding. The old building reverberated for hours from each powerful wave of wind that crashed upon it. I could feel the house “shiver” as the wind penetrated. As I lay in bed, I thought of the parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders taught by Jesus. Luke 6: 46 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? 47 As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. 48 They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49 But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.” This is a strong warning from Jesus and a call to dig deep and lay a foundation with the Word of God. If we don’t, there will be destruction and chaos. In the last month I’ve heard the following from a variety of Christians:
Isaiah 9:18a-“When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Conversely, in a fifth and more inspiring conversation of this month, I had the opportunity to listen to someone who has continued to inquire of God. Despite the horrors she experienced from family throughout childhood and even up to now, over many years of surrendering to God, her filter is clearly one who has a life built on what Jesus says. She was full of God’s wisdom. She gave him glory and repeatedly said, “The Holy Spirit showed me…” He opened her eyes to see the patterns of abuse in her family and how it helped fuel her poor choices. She didn’t blame them or God for her choices, she took responsibility for her choices. She walked me through what spiritual strongholds God healed in her because she was willing to turn towards her LORD and surrender sin. While she is still processing a great amount of pain and hurt by family, it was clear her life is being built on the Rock which is Christ. Do you think she grew up in a "Christian" home? Yes. Sexual and emotional abuse, addictions, extreme betrayal and manipulation. One does not have to go very far into relationships to find chaos. I have a friend who last month intervened with God’s heart for a family member who is on death spiral due to severe addiction; but to no avail. This person embroiled in addiction is also a formerly professed Christian. I could go on with other tragedies; but it’s overwhelming honestly. If I did not have a relationship grounded in God, I would be looking at all of this and thinking, “What a bunch of crap this Christianity thing is.” But thank Jesus Christ, that is not my story. I was one who experienced major chaos in childhood. I was one who was in an abusive relationship. I was one who wanted God to be a fairy god-mother and demanded He magically transform my world. I was one who was in major depression for 3 years. I was one who lied, cheated, and manipulated to get my way. I am one who continues to battle self-will and pride. God did not give in and does not give in to my selfish demands; but He did step in with a way out. His way. He continues to step in, and I’ve listened and obeyed. As a result, He has dramatically transformed, healed, and renewed me. It's not easy. I battle and obey, battle and obey. But in the obedience there has been major fruit. Ultimately, I obeyed His loving calls to “go to counseling, get a Stephen’s minister, go to church, join a small group, serve, give, worship, fast, open up, study My Word,” etc. We must get to place where we no longer insist on our own way. He’s not a slot machine or a trickster setting us up for a fall. He’s holy God who gave himself in a horrifying death so we can live through His resurrection power. His way not ours. His way. This is how He took my pain. This is how He made a way. This is how He released me from death. This is how He broke chains of oppression. “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not do what I say?” - Jesus 1 Peter 4: …16But if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God that you bear this name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God? 18And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?”… It is a sobering reality to live in the truth that we reap what we sow. And that God will not be mocked. How do we pray for ourselves and for each other in the face of self-will versus surrendered to God? Bless yourself and bless them with a broken spirit! God is close to the broken hearted and saves those with a contrite spirit. Most people think of this in terms of people who have been hurt due to unexpected loss and are mourning; but it is so much more. Psalm 51:17- My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God will not despise. Pray the following prayer for yourself, pray it for others. It is a compilation of Psalm 34:18, Psalm 51:17, Psalm 51:10-12, James 4:6-10. “LORD bless me, bless “x” with a broken and contrite spirit. A broken and contrite heart LORD, you do not despise. Bless us with intimacy of your presence and love for You. Come close to those contrite in heart and spirit. Create in me (in “x") a clean heart O God; renew a right and steadfast spirit within. Cast us not away from your presence, do not take your Holy Spirit from us. Restore to us the joy of your salvation, uphold us with your noble and gracious spirit. Humble us before you Lord, that you might lift us up.” For a meditation, answer the first part of Jesus’ question, “Why do you call me LORD?” Write it down. Review what you wrote. Does your reasoning align with the WORD of God? Evaluate how much self-reflection is in your answer. Evaluate your reliance upon His saving grace and mercy. Close your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the state of your house, the strength of your foundation. What do you see? What is He saying to you? Do you want to get well? “If you've got pain, He's a pain taker If you feel lost, He's a way maker If you need freedom or saving, He's a prison-shaking Savior If you got chains, He's a chain breaker…” ![]() New Year’s Resolution- Yes I want to be fat, really fat! It’s the beginning of the year, time for fresh starts and clean slates. Often for quite a few, there is a thought to lose a couple of pounds. Instead I say, "Why not gain a ton of fat!?" God believes in fresh starts and in being fat. The first part of that last sentence is probably easiest to believe. From God’s perspective, every day has opportunity to be a new beginning. He promises that His mercies are new every morning… Lamentations 3:22-23: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. But what about being fat? Does God love fat? Does He want you to be fat? Yes!!!! Psalm 65 verse 11- “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; thy paths drop fatness.” Oh to be fat, really fat, the way God would crown the year of 2017. The word fat in Hebrew is deshen. It is from H1878; the fat; abstractly fatness, i.e. (figuratively) abundance; specifically the (fatty) ashes of sacrifices:—ashes, fatness. Look at that definition again. Identify what noun visually symbolizes fatness. What is the object representing fatness? The object defining fatness is fatty ashes from a burnt-up animal fat sacrifice. Leviticus 3:16- 16 The priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering, a pleasing aroma. All the fat is the Lord’s. The fat of the peace offerings symbolized the choicest, best part, abundance. For Christians, the choicest best part offered, i.e. the pure choice sacrifice who brought peace, was the LORD Jesus Christ. Post Christ's sacrifice for sins on the cross and resurrection from the dead, out of love and adoration we give Him all the fat of our sacrifices still. Yet in a different form, we give him OUR choicest, best parts. Psalm 51:17- My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God will not despise. Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Matthew 9:13- But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners.” 1 John 4:10- This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. God gives fatness, abundance for those who believe… God crowns with beauty instead of ashes- Isaiah 61:3 Psalm 63:5- My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips Isaiah 10:27 In that day their burden (those who oppress you) will be lifted from your shoulders, their yoke (bondage over you) from your neck; the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat. Genesis 27:28 KJV- Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine... Isaiah 55:2 KJV- Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? And your labour for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Romans 11:17- KJV- And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree… Anybody need to be crowned with beauty instead of ashes? Anyone need soul satisfying fatness? Burdens removed? Oppression lifted? Heavenly provision? Soul delight? Fatness of the olive tree, i.e. more of the Holy Spirit? Engage with God in greater ways this year! Pursue Him! Delight yourself in the One who in response will give you the desires of your heart, Psalm 37:4. Pray in these terms! Ask Him to make you fat; ask Him to crown this year with His goodness and lead you on paths that drop fatness! If He is your pursuit as this year begins, I invite you to join in the final community session being held next Wednesday January 11th at 7pm. See calendar page for address and to sign up. It will be a sweet time of worship, group prayer, and starting a fast from leaven which I referenced in last week’s post found here. And slowly but surely the prayer line is activating. The prayer call happens every Thursday at 10pm EST. More detail on the calendar page. Tell a friend! |
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