Last week I mentioned some ways the Spirit speaks and encourages. Prophetic encouragement is a divine weapon of warfare. It speaks life to spirit, not flesh. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
1 Corinthians 2:14- The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. Spiritual weapons are mentioned in scripture. They DESTROY strongholds, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. We have our arguments, we have pretensions that are directly opposite of the spirit filled life and thoughts of God. His thoughts are not our thoughts; His ways are not our ways, Isaiah 55:8. Engaging with the promised spiritual weapons is a NECESSITY for the very real battle in our minds and to have minds renewed to his will, Romans 12:2. People can wrongly assume the armor mentioned in Ephesians 6 are the list of divine weapons. My case would be yes and no. No, because there is a much deeper dive to take within that armor to make it practical. There is ACTION to put it on. Ephesians 6:13 that says "after you have done all"... What is the act of doing all? Those weapons of warfare need to be engaged. I see one clearly offensive weapon (versus defensive fitting) listed in the armor; and it is sword of the Spirit, the WORD of GOD. How many weapons are dug up from the WORD of GOD? I made a list awhile ago and came up with 42 divine weapons of warfare. Each have clear steps that point to "doing something". A couple of very powerful ones are singing, fasting, and praying. On Monday night, whoever is willing, even if it is just one person, I will stand with you engaging these weapons. I briefly mentioned it last week and have not done much to announce it otherwise. Please come! See the calendar page! (If you register, I will send you a fasting page, and will fast with you by Sunday, for use if you want to fast the day of the session.) When the LORD saved me at 28 years old, it was a dramatic experience. But the miracle of that whole situation was not what has sustained me. There is something the Spirit said to me immediately in my point of conversion, something I've seen God continue to transact in me. What He said was, "Yes I still heal, and I will heal you." Notice the "will heal" part. Let me tell you I am NOT even close to who I was and praise God for that! I was not well emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or physically at that time. He has had to put me in my right mind. He has to put you in your right mind. He has had to re-parent me from Heaven. He has to re-parent you. He offers a spirit filled life and mind that you were not born with, nobody is (Romans 8:9-11). And... Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. During a time in Southern California when He was really pushing me outside of my comfort zone, I remember a friend telling me during prayer something God put on his heart for me. He said something along the lines of, "Worship, sing, and as you sing, what God has for you will be released." That was 13 years ago. If I thought ill of God, I would have given up by now because let me tell you there has been a ton of testing in those years with things stolen and destroyed. Also God has brought many difficult tests and I have to choose, approval of man or God. He has insisted my flesh be crucified. This for Spirit release and promise. It is the same for all. But if we do not give up, our time of release and promise comes! Keep praising! You will experience one obvious outcome. You will have greater intimacy of relationship with God and experience His presence and sustaining life of Christ's Spirit within you. There is nothing better. Join me on Monday, be encouraged to press in! What was said to me about singing and worshiping also applies to you. It is a spiritual truth and promise He manifests to His people all throughout scripture. Claim that promise! As you worship the King of all and sing at the expense of every other desire, He will release more of Himself to you and lead you on a path you never would have seen. He still opens up the Red Sea when your back is against the wall with the enemy intent on destroying you. He still takes those who believe into promised lands! He still supernaturally delivers! Believe!
Recently my pastor gave an excellent teaching, reminding the Body of Christ to be filled with oil, the Spirit of Christ. It was an admonition to be near to God’s heart, to wait with expectation on God, and to press in and spiritually prepare for God to “show up”. See Matthew 25:1-13. Be ready! In many ways Into the Waters Ministry has been formed as a witness of the Holy Spirit. It is a whisper God has continued in my heart. He wants the Body of Christ to embrace the fullness of the 3rd person of the Trinity. He wants us living a Spirit filled life, not one of the flesh. Recently the Holy Spirit has been giving me prayer images that are meant to strengthen, encourage, and comfort people, as stated in 1 Corinthians 14:1 and 3. I detail some towards the end of the post. Before I share some of them, I should preface to say that the LORD has prepared me to know how to handle what I receive. He wants us to know how to handle and share what we receive, 2 Timothy 2:15. You should make sure that your learning experiences are rooted in God’s Word with teachers who have evidence of surrender to the LORD as King. We are not expected to be perfect. But without fail, any gift of the Spirit is nothing but obnoxious noise without love, 1 Corinthians 13:1-2. My main growing experience and exposure to the gift of prophecy was during my time in Southern CA while attending Calvary Chapel in Capo Beach CA. (I had previous experience witnessing prophecy at Jubilee Christian center in San Jose CA and Word of Grace church in Mesa AZ.) What many people don't realize about the spiritual gift of prophecy, is that it is not some pie in the sky "predict the future" gift. If Paul encourages to eagerly desire it, it is a gift delivered through the earnest seeker. 1 Corinthians 14:1 Pursue love and be eager for the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. 2 For the one speaking in a tongue does not speak to people but to God, for no one understands; he is speaking mysteries by the Spirit. 3 But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouragement, and consolation. God had healed me in many ways through people who operated in the gifts of prophecy and prayer at the 2 former churches of which I was a member. He did further healing and began to raise me up in the gift while at Capo Beach Calvary. On Sunday evenings at Capo Beach, one of the pastors led an inductive bible study. It was held in a café setting opposite the sanctuary. Before starting he would always announce we would spend time in worship and give time for others to pray out loud and say out loud what God was impressing on their hearts. He always gave warning that whatever was spoken would be evaluated by the elders present in the room; and that if the elders felt it was not of God, that person would be addressed in love during or after. No one was to speak divisively and it all had to be scripturally sound, meant to build up not tear down. After that special time of worship and prayer and prophecy, he taught from scripture. I remember one woman in particular (Roma) who clearly had a special gift to speak what the Spirit of the Lord was saying. Countless, countless times what she said deeply ministered to broken places within me. Because of Roma, I was beginning to trust the whispers of God and the creative ways that God speaks. Her words were closely matching the loving words I was beginning to hear in my spirit. Roma was a true gift and mentor. She was the first person who encouraged me to speak out loud what God was impressing on my heart. Praying out loud is one of the most critical aspects of growing in courage in prayer. Don't be silent when praying in a group! Challenge yourself to pray aloud! Agree with what you hear as it witnesses to you. Agreeing in prayer carries tremendous powerful spiritual promise, Matthew 18:18-19. Through all prayer experiences He has taught me to test the spirits; and at the same time not to grieve the spirit through unbelief or disobedience. 1 Thessalonians 5: 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil. Speaking to others for their strengthening, encouragement, and comfort is a realease of the Spirit that is often manifested in extended times of prayer. When I came to New York, friends and prayer warriors like Mike and Phyllis Dewhirst and Liza Agresta exposed me to God speaking in prayer images. We spent hours in prayer often. The gift was edifying and strengthening. In any gift it should be evident you’ve spent time with God. You must be grounded in scripture to discern or interpret. If you don’t know the Word of God or operate from love and childlike faith, asking for gifts is not what you should do. First, know the Word of God and have no personal agenda for your glory. Love sincerely and from a humble stance. You test spirits through the Word of God and seek confirmations. He will use you to speak life to weary souls. A healthy fear of God is required as is time in His presence. Jesus spent extended time with His father in prayer. Time equals intimacy of knowing. I’ve heard people say Jesus’ public prayers were short so ours can be short too. This is a wrong standard for our prayer closets. Jesus may have prayed short prayers; but this was a result of prevailing in prayer on the mountains, in the temple, in the wilderness, in the garden, of being in Heaven with the Father in eternity before praying on earth. Sweet childlike prayers can move mountains, but there is an expectation to wean off milk and grow. “The short prevailing prayer cannot be prayed by one who has not prevailed with God in a mightier struggle of long continuance.”- E M Bounds That all being said, here are some examples of strengthening, encouragement, and comfort the Spirit has been giving in images. May they encourage you of the awesome Sovereignty of our Mighty God! Note how the interpretations are tied to biblical truth and an inner knowing the Spirit reveals about God's child receiving the message. Let it be evidence that He sees you too; and is acutely aware of every detail and thought in your life. He knows your frame! - Not long ago, I became aware of a prayer request about severe panic attacks someone was experiencing. After praying at home, God gave me an image of this person in an anorexic state. I did not get an idea it was physical; but spiritual. It took us awhile to connect via email and we kept missing each others phone calls. I reached out recently via email as she came to mind again. She shared an update. I had not yet shared the image but she described an anorexic state regarding a recent relationship conflict. She reminded me that she needed to hear about the image I never shared. Now I had interpretation so could put it in the context of her recent experience. She felt affirmed by the image and in the steps she had already been taking for healing. - Also not long ago, a good friend of mine gave an image for me to share with someone else. She received it while interceding for a meditation I was holding in February. It was a difficult image and message that neither of us understood. So I held on to it. After the person it was meant for began to share some spiritual struggles, the interpretation became clear. I am glad I held on to the message because the person was probably not in a state to process it in a healthy way. It would have fed more fear. By waiting for us to meet in prayer, and for time to pass for this person to settle more and be comforted in different ways by God, I finally shared. Having interpretation I was able to speak words of life to this saint and receive root issues while we prayed together. God wanted this person to connect deeper with God as Father. This deeply ministered to him and was just one part of a very important time of healing. But the image my friend Liza received was DEAD ON TARGET for the spiritual attack this person was under. To praise Liza even more, there were another 20 something images she received while faithfully interceding for the meditation sessions in February! People were blessed by her accuracy! (Note: If anyone feels called to intercede during meditation sessions, let me know. The prayer coverage would be a divine weapon of warfare I would welcome!) - In line with intercession during ministry activity, over 10+ years ago the LORD showed me words falling to the ground in the sanctuary setting I worship in. I asked what it was and He said words fell to the ground because no intercession was happening while the sermon was being preached. He then took me to Exodus 17:8-16 as biblical support for what He was trying to teach. Whenever the Word of God is being taught, a spiritual war is happening. Moses was to lift up hands in prayer and worship to God while Joshua was on the field. Aaron and Hur were additional intercession help needed so arms could remain lifted during battle. They prevailed. Whatever church you attend, if you feel burdened for this truth, gather a few others and intercede while the Word is being preached. God will honor your humble service and you will grow in supernatural ways! - Before a recent meeting, I received a picture of a man holding an ancient spear, the kind that is taller than the warrior. He was steady on his feet, with a strong stance, body language in a resolved state of assurance and knowing. I shared it with interpretation that he was grounded as a man of God, aware of surroundings, a calm and a seasoned warrior whom God has established to war on his behalf and represent him in difficult situations. It ministered to him. - While asking God for wisdom on whether or not I should talk to someone, I received a picture of that man on the ice in a hockey rink. He was swift and sure on his feet with a hockey stick in hand, moving a puck with great accuracy down the ice. The interpretation being he was a man who is on solid ground of the Word of God, clear headed, steady and sure on his feet, knowing a path, receptive to coaching, and executing his life with godly skill and training. Being in a very calm state on the ice, he has gentleness of heart. Yes I was to talk to him. Yes I was to share how God perceives him. I did. - God gave a picture of a woman I know working underneath a car, but her feet were sticking out from the side door indicating she wasn’t working where she should have been, i.e. under the engine. I got a vague sense of her having skill to work on a project but didn’t understand why her legs were sticking out from the side of the car. It wasn’t until I spoke to her a couple hours later that I understood how to interpret. Just that morning, she was left out of a meeting she should have attended for her expertise. This is why she was misplaced under the car in the image. She later found out it was a mistake she was left out of the meeting, so the image was just a reminder God was sending to her that He is absolutely in tune with every waking moment she experiences. Nothing escapes his notice with His children. - I got an image of a person sweeping the floor before I met with him recently. The LORD put on my heart that his heart was like that of the psalmist in Psalm 84, preferring to be a doorkeeper in the house of God versus dwelling in the tents of wickedness. I held on to it before I shared because I wanted to hear what he might say in our conversation. He told me he wanted to hear God’s "voice" better. He wanted a passion that he had in an earlier career situation. He wanted to have impact for God. I was able to tell him that not hearing God’s whisper voice can sometimes be a protection against the snare of pride. He hears Him through the Word. God also can seasons a man and builds spiritual hunger through seasons of silence, like He did with God’s servant Joseph. I assured him I’ve heard the Lord’s voice speak through him many times, that he has a clear gift to mentor and speak testimony for God. I told him not be discouraged because God has used him mightily many times without him realizing it and will continue to do so. I encouraged him not to seek another project passion, but to seek the LORD. I see him as a free flowing evidence of the Holy Spirit not tied to a project but to people God sends in his path, John 3:8. After I shared, he told me he was speaking to a group that morning, giving testimony of God’s grace in his life. He is exactly where God wants him! Finally I shared the image and it touched him deeply. He is seen by God. - Awhile ago I got an image of a little girl eating a bag of candy. She was alone resting against a door. Suddenly the door swings open and Jesus is there with a bright smile on his face, arms flung open to receive her. She throws the bag aside and jumps into his arms. After sharing this with her, she told me that as a little girl she would eat bags of candy to calm her anxiety over feeling disappointment from a parent. At that particular time, God was working on her to see show her a tie to sugar as a way to calm herself when she felt heaviness of condemnation. He wanted her to come to Him first in her anxiety, not sugar. He wants her to see He always approaches her arms open to love her unconditionally. This ministered to her deeply, clear that God was speaking to her about an area He wanted to heal from childhood. God is so sweet! - I got an image of someone with their hands over their eyes, suddenly flinging them open and exclaiming “I can see!” I was standing behind the person which confused me so I left out that detail when I shared the image. But since the Lord has reminded me that according to Hebrew thought, what is behind you (a past situation) is actually in front of you. i.e. hindsight is 20/20 vision. God's faithfulness in the past and what you learned, gives clarity to go forward with faith and confidence in God. This image for this person is meant to help them see with clarity a way forward based on what their eyes were opened to see. They are to draw on that past experience for boldness and steps of faith. I hope these have ministered to you! The Spirit is given for the building up of the Body! I hope they encourage you to stir up your gifts! God wants to use you to minister His love and truth! I pray they open your mind to the creative ministry and sweetness of the Holy Spirit of Christ our Savior. The Holy Spirit is testing receptivity right now. Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart in unbelief. If we love him, we obey. We listen and test and trust the Spirit, not following after flesh, not quenching Him. Be filled with oil in your lamps! Ask for more of the Holy Spirit, Luke 11:13! Attend our first open prayer and worship session that I will post on the calendar page by Friday July 22nd. It will be a setting to extend your time in His presence!
This week I had the privilege of doing a small group meditation for a bible fellowship group. We met in the leader's home, doing the prayer session in her living room. It was a great experience doing it in this home setting because it was not rushed; and, since the group already has relationships with one another, they were more open to asking me questions after. Their comments and questions revealed deep levels of internal processing regarding God and prayer. I created a meditation for them on Psalm 84, which represents a spiritual pilgrimage through valleys of weeping, a cry and longing for more of God. Psalm 84 reveals a longing soul stilled through resting in God's presence, continuing with Him in the journey, and trusting in His divine help. Before starting the meditation, I set up the context of the scripture and showed them some pictures of what the "court of the Lord", referenced in Psalm 84, may have looked like (either tabernacle or temple). I also brought pictures of the Israeli desert sparrow and of the swallow who attaches her nest to buildings or structures, verse 3. I showed pictures of the Desert Balsam tree that "weeps" sap and grows in the Valley of Baka referenced in verse 6, known as the "valley of weeping". All of these images are doorways into deeper meanings. They are living creatures and places meant to help us express our heart to our living God, verse 2. They put meaning behind longing and a fainting thirst for God, verse 2 . The song writer yearned and fainted for God, knowing God as the only hope for continued strength on a difficult spiritual journey, verses 5-7. There is more that was included; but this gives you a few ideas of the deep richness meant not only to be read; but to be experienced through our imaginations and referenced through personal experience. By engaging not just our minds; but our 5 senses, God's concrete language comes alive and our hearts are set free to engage easier. God desires this for you in prayer. When I showed a couple examples of the traveling tabernacle and the temple, I asked if anyone had any comments. One person was surprised by the pictures and always visualized the "court of the Lord" as a place for judgment hearing a serious atmosphere. Yet the Psalm paints a picture where nervous animals like birds are building their nests and laying their eggs close to God's altar. This is not an atmosphere filled with God's angry presence, it is an atmosphere even birds can rest quietly on their eggs and take care of their babies without fear of rebuke. This is God's court we are to see and hear, available through Christ. At the end one person asked what it meant to ask for prayer in a church setting and what to do. It may seem like people should easily know what to do; but there is a spiritual war happening in sanctuary settings when the Word of God is being preached. We do not always respond to clear instruction and reason because of this very real spiritual war. What is simple becomes clouded and confusing. This person had been wondering about asking for prayer for a long time, but never giving in to the internal prompts to go for prayer. It came out in the discussion and a commitment made to go for prayer. It also allowed everyone to hear why it was very important to follow the internal prompts and get prayer. Another person shared what she felt the Lord was showing her during services. She needed encouragement and a positive filter to interpret what was burdening her heart. By expressing it and talking it through she felt affirmed and encouraged that the Holy Spirit was talking to her and it was a call to intercede for God's work in the sanctuary. There was opportunity to pray with a sick family member. I would not have gotten that if I had not been ministering in this home setting. Someone not part of the group needed encouragement and prayer and they got it. God sees and sends tender mercies to those suffering. Another person shared her connection with the visualization exercises of resting in the nest of the LORD. Recently she discovered a nest in her backyard tree, only able to see the mother bird head popping up from the nest, evidence she was quietly sitting on her eggs, still and abiding. Through her experience she was able to recall the sights, sounds, and memory that the bird was just resting and she needed to do that too! This scripture visualization exercise helped her connect and simply rest in His presence. Resting, i.e. dwelling (verse 4), in God's court is the call of Psalm 84. To dwell means to abide, sit still, rest, stay, linger. It is a safe haven, a place to be undisturbed and refreshed with living water, verse 6. God says "ask, seek, knock". I am doing that right now, looking for more opportunities to minister in small group settings. Please click on the buttons above and read more about "Inviting Me In" to your small group setting. I'd be honored to encourage you to linger with God in prayer and to fellowship with you! Take a risk with God, linger longer with him in prayer, draw nearer and know Christ! Blessings, Gina Before the content of last week's blog, I made a simple reference via a button to a new "Donate" page. This allows you to make a tax deductible donation to Into the Waters Ministry, Inc. This week, I'll expand a bit further on the state of the ministry and ask you to prayerfully explore further as well. However, you'll only be able to do so by receiving a password from me. The content on the new pages is locked. This is because it is only meant for those who have an interest in financially investing in the work of prayer equipping and resourcing to be executed through Into the Waters Ministry, Inc. I will give a sneak peek by sharing a slide show within the locked pages. This brief slide show gives some concrete data about the effectual ministry work of the Spirit through this new ministry. As you can see we are surveying attendees and the responses have been very encouraging! The new page that leads to 4 locked pages is The 4 locked content pages describe main components of the call for me as Executive Director, ministry needs, and give insight on impact and opportunity.
My board and I are praying that your interest is piqued, that the Lord stirs your spirit for this work of intercession, prayer equipping and prayer resourcing. We see what God is doing; and we long for more of His presence and glory to transform any who intersect with Into the Waters Ministry, Inc! If you are interested in exploring further, please send me an email at [email protected]. I will send you the password and fundraising cover letter. If you'd like the letter by snail mail, please include your address in the email. Thank you so much for your longing for more of God, your readership, prayers, time, and any support or consideration! Remember God especially honors the sacrificial offering, like He did with the widow's mite (Mark 12:41-44)! Our God is able! Blessings! For this blog, I challenge you to practice not knowing how to pray! (Yaaayyy, an easy exercise!) I suggest Spirit filled believers try this several times over the next week, perhaps making it a prayer habit, doing it every now and again, especially when under pressure.
Romans 8:26-27 says the Holy Spirit is our help in weakness. It says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. Here is the Message translation of this same section in the book of Romans 8- 26-28 Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. When I pray with people or hear what burdens them, it is often about situations that hurt or grieved them. And it’s not about what the stranger said or did, it’s about the family member, the friend, the co-worker, or the spouse who lashed out, walked away, betrayed, aggravated, accused, heaped shame, argued, humiliated, rejected them, etc. It is these situations that can throw us some serious curve balls inside leaving us in emotional states where we are confused and in shut-down mode emotionally, not knowing how to pray. It’s okay! God knows all about this weakened state and has promised the help of the Holy Spirit! Many of us need HIS help. It’s a shared need within the Body of Christ. In my small group just this week, by the end, when it came to praying together, I realized that everyone had expressed a hurt that clearly grieved them. It was either a recent hurt or a hurt experienced repeatedly during childhood, but a memory was fresh and came out in our time together. All 7 of us indicated in some way that a loved one’s words or actions penetrated our heart producing sorrow, anger, confusion, dismay, hurt, etc. Like our Savior, we will carry grief and sorrows. Through them we identify with our Savior. But in them, we are not to bear them alone. We cast our burdens on God because He cares. Christ carried them; and still carries them for us, Isaiah 53:4. John 14: 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. This is a miracle people!!! Christ’s Spirit within you! Think about it! Jesus is clear, “I will not leave you comfortless (KJV).” The NIV translates it as not being abandoned by the Father, i.e. “I will not leave you as orphans”. How often do you say to yourself in prayer, “The Holy One is in me.” How often do you focus on Christ indwelling in you for your prayer time? How often do you take the focus off yourself, and say “Holy Spirit, please pray for me.” This is a relieving prayer, a simple prayer of release that God offers to us as we grieve and mourn the unexpected attacks and confusion that comes from loved ones and friends, and as we face our own sinful shortcomings. We are given a gift to simply sigh and moan. It is a very simple prayer that brings great comfort. In some of the meditation sessions, to start us out, I instruct participants to release deep breaths, to openly sigh and moan if they desire. I’ve noticed it’s not done without multiple encouragements from me. Our culture is not used to expressing emotion “outloud”. We should do it. Maybe you’ve noticed scripture from the Old Testament that reveals the Israelites tearing their clothes, weeping out loud to openly express emotion? Maybe you’ve noticed in James 4:9 we are to release emotion? Not releasing is neither good for our spiritual state or our physical one. In the 1800’s an Army surgeon, William Beaumont was able to see that negative emotion affected the internal workings of the digestive system. He saw this through observing a man who had an open wound called a fistula. Through the fistula he was able to see what happened inside this man’s body when he expressed anger, frustration, fear, etc. The stomach did not release gastric juices the way it was supposed to and upset the digestion process. Whether you realize it or not, your body is containing your stress. Part of truly calming your insides is not a one hour workout or run or chanting a mantra, it comes from the Holy One who resides inside you, assigned to transform by divine power not physical exertion. We are to tune into Him. He is not a temporal solution that calms us like eating ice cream or running 5 miles. He is a forever help, coming alongside us, advocating on our behalf in accordance to the perfect will of the Father. So in childlike faith, try something new. Walk out the promise by faith. If God says the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans and sighs, we need not figure it out. Instead, release yourself into His care and trust. Follow this format in your own way… Enter into prayer with deep breathing, inviting the Holy Spirit to pray for you. Ask Him to take over. Tell Him you want help in prayer right now and ask Him to pray for you. By faith trust it is happening as you begin to sigh deeply and moan if it comes. Just keep breathing deeply, releasing sighs and/or wordless groans. As Romans 8:26-27 says, the Holy Spirit will be praying for you according to the will of the Father, advocating on your behalf. Set a timer for 5 minutes and just enter in with the Holy Spirit this way. See if at the end, emotion may not bubble up and let go, release it and express it in prayer. See if at the end of the sighing, that His peace that surpasses understanding has not brought life into your body and soul. See if at the end He has helped you hone in on what is really eating at you and why. If something is revealed, now you have words! Take those words to God in prayer and tell him what is on your heart about that situation. In childlike faith believe and hand your prayer time over to His Spirit within you. Romans 8: 9 You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you. I’d love to hear feedback from those who try this exercise. Blessings! |
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