Spend some time in prayer picturing God holding you and carrying you. Previous blog posts have included similar prayer exercise. Scripture contains images useful in prayer. Images that help internalize God's love and truth. I use scripture not just for myself but for others as well, to envision individuals with God within the context of scripture. Sometimes God has given me images back. The images that have come have been interesting. As example, for Deuteronomy 33:3, sometimes the image I've gotten is a person clinging to Jesus like in the image seen above, Sometimes a picture forms of one ashamed to come near. Sometimes one is too distracted by "life" to draw near. And sometimes one is walking hand in hand with Christ, or shoulder to shoulder. Sometimes Jesus has been dancing with the person, or carrying one like bride, offering a rose, listening joyfully and intently to the person who shares their heart in His presence. Those are just some examples. Basically there are various ways and thoughts God has towards his own that are personal, intimate, and meant to minister deeply to that one. Often I’ve shared those images with the people I prayed for and time-after-time, received response of how deeply it spoke to them and how it ministered. People can have a hard time seeing themselves in these ways with God. But He wants you to believe and receive it for comfort and soul revival. God doesn't change. He still extends His love and truth down to His people. Just like a child needs comforting love and affirmation from their human father, children of God also deeply need comforting love and affirmation from their Heavenly Father. He’s willing to give it. Your need for it is especially critical if you never received it from a human father! I am not the only one that can pray in scripture image. God's word is very visual and you can also use it to "see" yourself within the promises. And that is today's exercise. In prayer, you can practice envisioning God holding you in His hand. You can envision Him carrying you as described in Deuteronomy 1:29-31. Why should you try it and how is it helpful? I will give you an example from this morning. I needed to envision God carrying me today because circumstances of late have intensified in unexpected areas, leaving me overburdened. I've been feeling depressed in some of the intense loneliness and brokenness I've had to witness in nursing home settings over the last couple of weeks. It's left me stupefied. When I feel this way, I can’t settle in prayer. So in my struggle this morning, I started repeatedly saying, “Gina, God is carrying you.” Then I switched to, “Jesus, you're carrying me.” The truth of that was very comforting. I felt much calmer and started breathing more deeply. This helped me start “seeing” in my mind’s eye God carrying me. I focused on my feet being off the ground because it was comforting to think of Him carrying all of my weight and burdens. I like imagining being in His arms as He carries me and moves me forward. I got to the point where my mind imagined my head resting on his shoulder and my arms around his neck, just enjoying the assurance of His strong steps underneath me. This prayer time lasted about 5 minutes. Before I knew it, I was singing a worship song, then up and starting my day freely. No longer anxious and tied up internally the way I was just 30 minutes prior. Before prayer this morning, I was truly struggling for about 60 minutes about “this” and “that”. I was fretting and totally confused about what was most important to do today. Yet all was transformed to peace with just 5 minutes of meditating and 5 minutes of praise. How do you struggle? When you get pressured and feel stupefied, do you find prayer frustrating? Do you push yourself forward though not at peace? Maybe you cut yourself off from doing things that would reveal a greater trust in God’s provision and help? As a simple example, after time with God today, I gave myself permission to make a lentil soup from the chicken bone broth I made this week. That may sound silly; but when I feel "behind" I typically do not give myself permission to take time for enjoyable things. Instead, I push myself forward into the day. However after 5 minutes of God's affirming provision and care, I felt free to do it, super thankful of the peace and simple joy I got from making soup in my kitchen! Take some time to think about how you “punish” or “push” yourself. Notice your own behaviors. Bring them to God and let him redirect. Ask for help to rest in His care. Below are some simple steps to do what I did above in prayer. And here are 2 scriptures to help you “see” yourself within God’s promise to carry and comfort: Deuteronomy 1:29-31- Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.” John 6:37- All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. PRAYER EXERCISE:
2/10/2018 08:10:20 am
Love this!
Maxine Dayhuff-Lowhorn
4/18/2024 05:06:48 pm
Where could I find this drawing? Is it for sale?
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