![]() (This blog details a bit about intercession, its blessing and power as a divine weapon of warfare to advance God’s will in the world, for ourselves, our loved ones, and the Body of Christ. Also at the end of this week’s blog are 2 ways to receive blessing from intercession through Into the Waters.) Intercession opens up the door to meeting with the God who never changes. Yet with intercession, our God is willing to and will change his mind. He will destroy works of darkness through your intercession. He will be merciful to those who do not deserve mercy because you cry out. To intercede is to encounter, meet, reach, entreat, fall upon with force, strike, attack. There is EARNEST persistence in intercession; there is proper application of God’s power and authority in the requests. See Ephesians 1:19-23 as just one example referencing the greatness of power available to Christians because Christ is seated above all other authority. Christian, you are seated next to Christ, Ephesians 2:6. How do you put to use the authority you’ve been given, 1 Peter 2:9? Are you confident in your prayers? Do you speak in Christ’s authority? Many people sound unsure of themselves and unsure of God when they pray, not truly understanding the authority they’ve been given, unsure of God’s heart in a matter, or how to put their authority into divine play for victory. Intercession is very powerful. Prayer is a divine weapon of warfare that destroys strongholds and abolishes thoughts contrary to Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Yet few, very few, seem willing to press in at length, fall upon God with force, calling Heaven down. It is a shame really because a world of adventure and intimate fellowship with God awaits! Off topic slightly, regarding a world of adventure, I would either want to be a spy given special access to overhear wicked plots so I could help expose and defeat their dastardly plans; or, I would want to be an NFL referee. Both are fanciful and ridiculous requests because as a human spy, I would most certainly be found out immediately. And as a referee, its inevitable I would run the wrong way and be flattened like a pancake, knocked unconscious probably on the first play. Now back on topic… In the sweetness of God knowing my heart for this type of adventure, He “sort of” makes a way… without all the danger for capture, torture, and possible concussions and girlie screams. How? Intercession! Might sound ridiculous; but to the childlike willing to believe, it is true! Intercession can be a world of adventure! When the LORD first started teaching me about the power of intercession, He revealed some things to myself and a few others like we were spies on assignment. It was 2003; and the Iraqi war was beginning. A man from my church felt like God was asking him to gather people to intercede once a week at 6am for God’s intervention in the war. God wanted sacrificial commitment, hence meeting at 6am. There were 5 of us who joined him. Within the first month of the war, a deck of cards was released by US armed forces that had names and faces of terrorists assigned to each suit and card rank. Saddam Hussein was the “Ace of Spades”. God highlighted Saddam’s card to me; and I remember telling our group God wanted to capture the “Ace of Spades”. So we prayed for it. I remember specifically praying that he be found in a hole. Just 9 months later, he was found cowering in a hole! It was with this announcement that the rush of intercession as adventure became reality for me! God was allowing me to be a spiritual spy! Since then, the assignments have continued; but focused within the Body of Christ. In similar fashion, He’s made me aware of threats and dangers and has had me praying protection and blessing and sanctification over certain leaders. Did you know that Billy Graham had an intercessor named Pearle Goode who followed him to as many of his locations as possible and interceded while he preached? Why do you think Anna is mentioned at the birth of Christ? Why was she allowed to hold him, proclaim him, and recognize him immediately? She was a prophetic intercessor in place for his coming, Luke 2:36-38. When you pursue God given call, you will face spiritual opposition. Read Exodus 17:8-16. It details spiritual war with the divine weapons of worship and intercession in play. Notice verse 16. The LORD will be at war with the Amalekites from generation to generation. It’s continual. God is at war against evil, until all Christ’s enemies become a footstool underneath his feet, Hebrews 1:13. In Exodus 17 Moses, Aaron, and Hur lifted up hands to God so Joshua and the Israelite army could win. So too we are to hold up hands for those on the battle field. Divine weapons must be in play for victory. Challenge yourself to offer up a prayer when you are listening to Sunday sermons, insist that dead bones would come alive, that in the name of Jesus sleepy Christians would wake up! Earnest intercession is effective and powerful. I’ve been able to stand back and observe in many instances what God has done in response to praying according to His will for certain leaders. He has revealed plots against them. He has removed threats. He has brought discipline. He has brought messages of encouragement and hope. He has strengthened and sustained them in seasons of trial and weariness. If you are an intercessor, you have these tales to tell (but will keep the details to yourself). God’s Word says that YOU (Christian) can be just like Elijah, James 5:17-18. If you want it, it is yours to pursue and claim. You must be earnest as Elijah was. Revisit the spiritual exploits and victories of Elijah in 1 Kings 17 to 1 Kings 21 and 2 Kings 1 and 2. God wants more intercessors! Your family needs intercession! Your neighbor needs intercession! Your church leaders need intercession! Your city needs intercession! The upcoming presidential elections need intercession! Not only is intercession a divine weapon against evil, it is often a cry for God to be merciful. Our God will change his mind and relent on a decision. God changed his mind with King Hezekiah, extending his life by 15 years and upending His own laws of nature (sending the sun backwards in time) as a sign to Hezekiah that he would be healed (2 Kings 20:1-11). Our heartfelt cries for mercy are simple acts bringing divine intervention and healing, 2 Kings 20:5. God even had mercy on King Ahab, notable as the most evil king of Israel. Ahab cried out for mercy, 1 Kings 21:25-29. What other nation (God’s people) is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him, Deuteronomy 4:7? Intercede for your nation, 2 Chronicles 7:13-16, Psalm 85. Finally, regarding intercession, do you want to experience the blessing? Here are 2 ways to be blessed by God’s gift, for greater intimacy and Spirit-empowered life:
Jenie Luison Elemancil
9/15/2022 02:23:45 am
This will be our guide as new biggener in intercessory prayer in our church thank you and shalom
9/15/2022 08:14:23 am
Thank you so much! It means so much that what I have written has helped you! Be blessed and tearing down strongholds in the mighty name of Jesus! “May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them— this is the glory of all his faithful people. Praise the Lord.”
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