This is a sidebar post, as part of the Advent series I'm currently writing on Jesus' genealogy. Sidebar because I'm distracted this week by a troubling situation I've been interceding about, and I want to invite you into it, so that you will pray. You'll be able to pray better after reflecting on an account with Abraham. In the first Advent post, I mentioned Matthew starts his genealogy with Abraham. Luke also includes him 2/3 of the way in. Abraham is the father of our faith. He is one chosen by God to father his covenant people, and given unbreakable covenant promises. Abraham received the promises by faith. But Abraham was also fallible. Did you know that Abraham was publicly exposed for one of his sins, and that situation is the first account of intercessory prayer in the bible? There are some interesting things to point out related to the first mention of "praying" in the bible. For the current situation I'm asking for you to pray, there are accusations against a prominent prayer leader. His name is Mike Bickle; and he is the founder and leader International House of Prayer in Kansas City. This has been a renowned and venerated 24/7 ministry of intercession. So the current accusations are causing many to grieve. This includes me. One of my main roles as a servant for the LORD is intercession. I have a tender heart for this area of service. I'm also protective of God's work in this area. Be clear that my comments are not to elevate one type of ministry leader's importance as different than any other, since being a leader for any ministry requires a healthy fear of the LORD. Leaders of any ministry are to be above reproach, 1 Timothy 3:2. However, one would expect that well-known ministries like International House of Prayer have leaders that are especially tuned to the heart of God and His people. Why? Watchman mainly minister before the throne of God! We are to know His heart, and be entrusted to receive direction about spiritual activity and battle. We press in for the will of God, and regularly make judgments! But intercessors are not the only ones called to judge. As believers, we are called to judge spiritual things! 1 Corinthians 6:2- Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Did you know that PRAYER is rooted in judging? Most people do not talk about that because we often think of prayer as asking God for something, or as path to spiritual transformation. Yes, prayer includes those things. But at the heart of God's call for us to "pray", is his call that we JUDGE with right judgments, John 7:24. What is to be our state of heart when we judge? Let's look at an account of Abraham in Genesis 20. In Genesis 20, right after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, we find Abraham journeying to a place called Gerar (Philistine territory). Fearing for his life, Abraham lies and tells King Abimelech, that Sarah is his sister. Sarah is then taken by Abimelech, Genesis 20:2. It's unknown how long he has Sarah, but it is clear in the account that God prevents any hand being laid upon her, Genesis 20:6 And sometime during this period, God warns Abimelech in a dream to return Sarah to Abraham. In that dream, God tells him that Abraham will “pray" for him and he will live. This is the first account of prayer in the bible! "Pray" here is Strong’s H6419, and is a judicial term. Take time to read through the definition and note the emphasis on judging. God was asking Abraham to judge and pray for Abimelech? What? Why? Abraham was the one in the wrong! Abimelech was innocent of transgression! Abraham was the cause of the chaos! He was to pray for Abimelech? God acknowledges to Abimelech that He knows he was innocent of transgression, Genesis 20:4-6. Yet the one causing all the trouble by lying, was the one God was calling to pray for him?! God tells Abimelech that Abraham is a prophet. Abimelech doesn't question God on this. Instead he takes God seriously. He exhibits true fear of the LORD. He gathers all his servants and tells them the revelation given by God, and then he confronts Abraham, Genesis 20:7-8. Meditation point- Before going on with the account, stop and consider how this relates to you. First, remember that you are of the line of Abraham, because Abraham is the father of our faith, Galatians 3:5-9. What kind of protections do you have that a person of the world does not? What if you wronged an unbeliever, and God came to them in a dream, and said you were to pray for them that they may be healed? How awkward would that be with unconfessed sin on your heart towards them and others? Does it make sense that the one in the wrong should pray for the one who was innocent of transgression? No. No, this does not make human sense! Is Abraham supposed to just get away with what he did? God chose Abraham. He didn't choose him because of how upstanding he was. Abraham was chosen; and that's it. It doesn’t make human sense, but that is the character of God, that is God's inexplicable mercy. Same with all who call upon Jesus. When we hear the message and believe, we become part of the "Chosen", Ephesians 1:13. And the outcome is, he doesn't treat us as our sins deserve. But do we get away with things with no consequence? Let's see what happens next. Did Abraham get off easy? After Abimelech talks to his people, he publicly exposes Abraham, Genesis 20:9-10- Then Abimelech called Abraham in and said, “What have you done to us? How have I wronged you that you have brought such great guilt upon me and my kingdom? You have done things to me that should never be done.” And Abimelech asked Abraham, “What was your reason for doing this?” How did Abraham respond? Did he run and hide? Did he make excuses? No. He admitted wrongdoing. He bared his soul, confessing his fears and lies he told, Genesis 20:11-13. Immediately Abraham is abundantly blessed (and Sarah too!) by Abimelech, Genesis 20:14-16. And THEN Abraham prays. And Abimelech and his wife and maidservants are blessed, Genesis 20:17-18. So the sequence was... God reveals Abraham's sin to Abimelech. He is publicly called out. Abraham confesses. Immediately God blesses him abundantly. And THEN Abraham prays. God removed the log from Abraham's eye FIRST! Then he was could pray for Abimelech. He could judge with right judgment! This is the way to translate Jesus' words, "judge not lest you be judged." Only after the log is out of our eye, can we judge! We judge others through the mercies we ourselves have received. Abraham would be reflecting on the tender mercies of God towards him as he prayed for Abimelech! Abraham was wrong to try and protect himself instead of his wife. He was wrong to put Sarah in harm's way. He was wrong to put her in a position to support his lie. Abraham was also wrong about Abimelech's character. Abimelech acted in the fear of the LORD, whereas Abraham acted FROM fear. But because Abraham was chosen and under unbreakable covenant, God intervened. He protected Abraham from himself. And he protected Sarah from her husband's devious ways. MEDITATION POINT- What does this tell you about God's heart towards you? Do you think he is waiting in the wings to hammer you? This account in Genesis 20 shows you that despite your failures, God will intervene with intent to pour out favor and use you to bless others! So, back to Mike Bickle. In reflection to the Genesis 20 account, how should he respond to the public accusations? What are the accusations? Here is a link to read his confession and hear how it is very contrary to the woman's account. As a leader of intercession ministry, what should he already know about God? Who should he trust in? His lawyer's counsel on when and how he should confess? How should he handle this public accusation? Should he speak publicly among others, or craft a carefully written statement in seclusion, and then disappear? Was he clear in his "confession?" Who is he blaming? How different are the accounts? Her- Several years of spiritual manipulation with sexual interactions that included everything but intercourse. Him- Inappropriate behavior and moral failures, but without sexual activity. Someone is lying. Any lying "bigly". Pray. If you are someone through whom God has removed the log from your eye, judge this situation. If you aren't, go to the LORD and ask for him to remove your logs so that you can pray. We are to judge other believers, 1 Corinthians 5:12! But in a spirit of gentleness. We are to make judgments with mercy because we have received great mercy! Pray for healing and truth! Ask God to help you discern good from evil! And judge through truths of scripture! Remember, we will judge the world! Declare Proverbs 26:24-28 below. Declare God loves justice, Psalm 11:7! Join God in agreeing with His will and ways! Agree with the sanctifying work the LORD is doing in the church! Judgment comes first to the house of God, 1 Peter 4:17. Praise God that this is the lineage we are blessed to receive! Righteousness and a heart of justice and favor from surrender to our merciful Jesus! Amen!
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