Sometimes we just don't have words. Being an introvert by nature, I relate to having to work at times to find words in social circumstances especially. It makes one feel awkard, uncomfortable in their own skin to not be able to talk. Often if I am without words its because I can't find the courage to say what I really want to say, so I stay silent. Other times though, when I spend time with God, I enjoy being without words, just resting in His presence, using His Word to find pictures that illicit emotions and thoughts and experiences related to His glorious truths and promises. This is a way to meditate and pray with few words. Around this time of year I often reflect on a piece of work by a Christian artist named Ron DiCianni. It is called "Simeon's moment". It captures the emotion of Simeon, a righteous and devout Jew, a man in whom God in Heaven entrusted with His best secret; the Savior was coming. God blessed him further by letting Simeon know he would be allowed to see the Lord's Messiah, Luke 2:22-35. It gives me goose bumps to realize that God shared that secret with Simeon. I assume it was because God knew Simeon would treat the revelation as Holy treasure. God knew it sustained the deepest longings of Simeon's heart. God held to His Word, and in his old age, Simeon was allowed to see salvation when he took baby Jesus in his arms and looked at his face. I'm sure it gave God the Father great pleasure to see and hear the celebration and elation of Simeon as he held baby Jesus. I like to imagine I am Simeon. I like to imagine what it would have been like to look upon the tiny face of my Holy Savior. His little body, his tiny fingers and toes, his bright beautiful eyes and tender head. I wonder what colors his eyes were and what his lips were shaped like. I wonder how much hair he had. I like to imagine bringing him close and kissing his face. It always bring tears. My heart moves me to a place without words, emotions I'd never be able to accurately describe. It's a cleansing and comforting meditation, one of the best feelings ever and no words are necessary. In Greek, prayer (proseuchomai) is a compound of 2 words with the following meaning:
Interestingly in the Old Testament the words, "before, presence, and face" are synonyms of each other. It's the Hebrew word #6440 pânîym and is translated as BEFORE, FACE, PRESENCE. Here are 3 scriptures as examples: Exodus 23:20- Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Exodus 33:13- The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Psalm 27:8- My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek. Do you see how being before the Lord (and the Lord being before His people), being in His presence, seeking His face ties to the New Testament definition of prayer? It is a positioning towards Him, a place of intimacy. We position ourselves to seek and commune with face of God and REST. It is not distant because through Christ, He is no longer afar off. Our Savior has drawn near and made a way into the Holy of holies, God's presence. Just like Simeon, we can gaze and see salvation in the face of Christ and it brings rest. Rest is the gift. It is unexplicable and leaves one without words, completely at peace, feeling safe and loved, protected, and accepted. This is beautiful and satisfying prayer. Gazing at the face of a Savior, in love with Him, speechless in His Holy presence, thankful beyond expression for His forgiveness, this is the best soul gift. Take time to meditate on His face. Enter into His presence with joy and thanksgiving, let your mind paint Simeon's moment and imagine without words your eternal salvation- Jesus. Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. –Jesus (Matthew 11:28) REMINDER- NEXT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8TH AT 10PM EST THE PRAYER LINE WILL START. Tell someone about it who needs prayer. Here is the link to the phone number, access code, and a little bit about the prayer time-
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